Yesterday was the most glorious of all holidays as far as I am concerned! Independence Day for the United States of America! So many people use it as an excuse to turn seemingly normal family BBQs into pyromania festivals of overindulgence. I, however, stick to the true meaning of what the day is about. I honor our country and I am grateful to live here. I celebrate the day, in 1776, when we became our own nation; free of tyranny, ruling from abroad, and taxation without representation. I also have decided, everyone deserves a day off; a holiday, from exercise and from eating 100% healthy. I enjoyed myself, and our special holiday, with my husband and family, in our new house. Since our national birthday was on a Sunday, most places were closed for Independence Day Observed, today. My office was scheduled to be open up until last Wednedsay when we convinced our boss that it was a bad idea. After last night's party, I was extremely grateful to have today off. I slept in and went to see Eclipse for the 2nd time. Unfortunately, I feel like I have a food hangover, with a really bad headache. Too much salt last night in a lot of rich foods. Happily, I didn't gain a single ounce; not even water retention from carb-related-salt-and-sugar-overload. That's surprising, to be honest. I am feeling a lot better now that Mother Nature graced me with her presence. I know the usual water retention and feeling lower than low depression due to PMS hormones has finally passed; for a few weeks anyway.
A little bit ago, we got a call from the repair shop, and our bikes were ready for pick up- which is a day earlier than we expected. It's still hot out, but as soon as this headache goes away, I'm hitting the pavement. Yesterday, in my 4th of July shopping frenzy, I accidentally purchased Super Mass Gainer Whey Protein, instead of my usual Whey Protein w/Super Recovery Blend; however, it may be just what the doctor ordered to help off-set the "under caloric intake" I am suffering from. It has 310 calories and 24g of protein in 2 scoops, and all the amino acids needed for muscle growth, as well as Biotin and Chromium Picolonate which are things I take anyway.
I am going to start taking a notebook to the gym with me to write down my reps/sets and what weight I am lifting, so I can accurately see muscle growth. I am able to go to the gym daily, and I enjoy riding my bike afterwards if I get home early enough. I am going to throw in a lap swim day this week too. I am trying to avoid over training, but, again OCD and addiction come to mind. There's something to be said about endorphins released during exercise.
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