Sunday, July 4, 2010


I forgot to add that in discussing my weight loss with my doctor, I found out I am not consuming enough calories, which would explain why I have seemingly plateaued again. I went through this last May when I was stuck at 175 lbs. I was told by my friend, who's the body builder, if you've created/developed a high metabolism, you are working out fiercely, AND not consuming enough calories, your body begins to think you are STARVING- (LIKE 3RD WORLD COUNTRY STARVING), and won't let you lose weight no matter what you do. I have been eating 1,300-1,400 calories religiously, (except for when I fall off the wagon occasionally), 100g of carbohydrates, and 130g of protein. Apparently, I should be more in the 1,600-1,800 calorie range since I burn over 1,000 just in working out for an hour, and around 1,000 in an 8 hour period at work. Since I occasionally wear my chest strap heart rate monitor at work, I know this is true. The calorie counter app I use on my phone is phenomenal, and it really helps me be accountable and accurate. I scan bar codes found on food, and it pulls up the nutrition data. For other things that don't have labels, I am able to search the database and input what I have eaten. It breaks the day up into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I can also put activities into the exercise log, and do daily weigh ins. So, my most recent meals are the following:

1 cup Almond milk, whey protein, 1 tbs almond butter, 1/2 c raspberries
Lower Sugar Instant Oatmeal
1 c coffee
Spring Mix salad, broccoli slaw, low fat ranch, 1 can specialty tuna marinated in lemon dill olive oil
8 oz Voskos plain Greek yogurt, 1/2 c raspberries
1 plum
24 raw almonds

Dinner varies, but usually it is 6 oz of chicken, steak, turkey, or fish. 8 oz or more of spinach or collard greens.

I now need to add more complex carbs to my diet. Upon my research, I have come up with this list of totally acceptable and palatable foods, which I already have and eat, just not enough of:

multi grain bread
sweet potato
brown rice
brussels sprouts
kidney beans
pinto beans
dried apricots

Due to the rise in obesity and diabetes, carbs have been given a bad name, but what people don't realize is the difference between simple carbs and complex carbs. I do understand the difference; however, I have just not been eating enough. Adding calories to my diet is key; complex carbs is the only way to go. "Complex carbohydrates stabilize the blood sugar, keep your energy at an even level, and help you feel satisfied longer after a meal." (

1 comment:

  1. I learn so much from you. You are no doubt helping me seek myself.
